Fire & Access Trails
We have delivered a range of access roads and fire trail construction and maintenance, primarily on private property within NSW. We have worked to redefine overgrown trails, undertaken erosion and water management, and created safe egress including passing bays and turning circles to NSW RFS Fire Trail Standards. Our works are always undertaken in a sensitive matter inline with relevant environmental approvals, and we aim to ensure that our trails and trail design deliver on best practice industry standards.
Project: Access Road/Fire Trail
Client: Private Property, Ourimbah, NSW
Budget: $40,000
Timeframe: July 2020 (1 month)
We were engaged by a private landowner to construct/rebuild 2 access fire trails across 2 lineal km of land to provide safe bushfire egress and everyday access to the property. The project included tree removal, clearing of topsoil, importing VENM, installation of water bars, table drains and turning circles to NSW RFS Fire Trail Standards using an excavator, grader and drum roller. Our client was pleased with the outcome that met the requirements of the RFS standards, whilst also minimising impacts to the sensitive flora and fauna that were found on the property.
Project: Access Road/Fire Trail Construction
Client: Private Property, Tumbi-Umbi, NSW
Budget: $26,000
Timeframe: April 2020 (2 weeks)
We were engaged by a private landowner to reestablish and create an access fire trail for a heritage mudbrick property and clearing a footprint for new property that was being constructed. The project included construction of 500m trail including clearing of existing trail, importing VENM, installation of water bars, table drains and turning circles to NSW RFS Fire Trail Standards as well as the clearing and flattening of 400m2 area for new house construction using a excavator, grader and drum roller. The project resulted in safe access and egress during a bushfire, as well as easy everyday access to the property in all-weather by all vehicle types.